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Philanthrobotics Half-Bakery

A list of projects we'd like to do!

Published onDec 04, 2023
Philanthrobotics Half-Bakery
  1. Interactive Grant Mapping Tool: A digital platform that visualizes the geographic distribution of grants, helping funders identify underserved areas and overlap in funding.

    —> In progress

  2. Automated Proposal Review Assistant: Leveraging AI to initially screen grant applications, highlighting key components and potential alignment with the funding organization's goals.

    —> In progress

  3. Real-Time Impact Tracker: A tool integrating data from various sources to track and display the real-time impact of funded projects, aiding in transparent reporting and decision-making.

    —> Some work has been done here one-off for MIT Solve in making a recruiting dashboard, but otherwise, this has not found reusability

  4. Virtual Collaboration Spaces for Grantees: Digital forums or virtual workspaces where grantees can collaborate, share insights, and learn from each other’s experiences.

    —> Some event work done here, but more to come; perhaps working groups similar to GivingTuesday?

  5. Grant Lifecycle Management System: A comprehensive digital system that manages all stages of the grant process, from application to final reporting, streamlining operations for funders.

    —> A la Grantable, but a little more involved. Haven’t found a pilot group yet.

  6. Philanthropy Trend Analyzer: A tool that uses data mining and analysis to identify emerging trends in philanthropy, guiding organizations to adapt their strategies proactively.

    —> Some word analyses, but more to come

  7. Funder-Grantee Matchmaking App: An application that matches potential grantees with funding organizations based on shared goals, project types, and impact metrics.

  8. Grant Proposal Feedback System: A tool providing constructive feedback to unsuccessful applicants, helping them improve future proposals and understand the decision-making process better.

    —> In progress

  9. Social Impact Measurement Toolkit: A suite of digital tools for measuring and analyzing the social impact of funded projects, providing data-driven insights for future funding decisions.

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