LKramer from first meeting, Derek Brine at Bridgespan is interested & worked on the indirect cost project
Adam L, Ari @ rwjf
share understanding of the state of the field in major topical areas, independent of any particular grantor
visualizations (and related tools for mapping, clustering)
summaries of past, present, future calls for proposals
summaries of grants made, proposals still looking for support, available excess capacity
share essays from each partner (short post from JM about PDC)
This is really about helping applicants solve problems in their context — testimonies of beneficiaries from such data sharing
share an index of potential systemic biases (& visualizations to gauge it)
Share data & collections of it
building a shared index of cool things (i4-style)
projects (w/ their own sets of the above)
share scripts used in working w/ data
share datasets themselves
checklist of things to check for sharing (this doc)
do you have a mix of public/private data in one dataset? split it out!
clustering via exec summary — often already anonymized
share governance models for data that is contributed or exchanged,
Data Sharing Agreement for unrestricted-use data
Data Transfer Agreement +
Data Use Agreement for restricted-use data (Examples: N3C)
Applying Ostrom’s Principles to Data Commons Governance (Anouk!)
share good practices + training
data-anonymization and analysis (N3C examples @ member universities)
attribution, linking, + rich metadata
norms for establishing trust with applicants -- follow on support, discovery, no serious cases of reputation loss or damage
Share people + orgs to add to the network
RWJF has their own grants mgmt system - can experiment freely
People who reach out and want to help [via code + other workshops?]
— How can current project leads / grant-seekers publish their proposals
— How can grantors archive calls or campaigns (w/ proposals + reviews)
— How can current grant-data silos migrate to long-term archives or libraries
Wellcome modeling
COVID Philanthropy Commons
Global Innovation Exchange
Government grant pools: NIH, NSF, UK, EU
P2P grant pools (a particular source of proposals)
Common Grant Application project
Common Data framework? [Jim M],
Technology Association Group infrastructure project
ML model hubs: Kaggle search results?