We want to publish motivating essays about building and strengthening this commons: why it matters, why we care, how to give feedback, join, or work in parallel.
Existing writing
Karl on sharing reviews + matching them with new grantors
Jim McGowan on including NGOs (as grantors and grantees?)
Motivating essay: why it matters, why you should care, give feedback, join, or work in parallel
New essays / new projects
Dataset papers: publish a dataset + describe its construction and uses
Submission guide: include something like data-publishing guidance
John on a common application / comments from past approaches
Collections vs issues
Pages that build over time around a topic: a stream of essays, proposals, and reviews relate to the topoic. Current events + historical overviews.
At MIT: MIT Dataverse; DSpace; ask Amy Nurnberger
At the Harvard Open Dataverse (free for any/all MIT projects)
Covid Philanthropy Commons: retrospective article
Candid Solutions Bank https://solutionsbank.candid.org/
TAG: https://www.tagtech.org/
Work in the Google doc from the meeting:
for each top level section; have people Identify which section they wanted to work on ; make each section a public essay describing where things stand and what is needed and who to ask; start with what we know now; then bard raise
Lead off with discussion about how we stay in touch; regular meetings led by volunteer hosts; pub community for essays; mailing list;
Offer to accept data, indicate how we’re thinking about this.
Focus projects:
Maintain data
Run journal community / publish dataset papers + work-in-progress essays
What we have done, what should be done, what are the problems with it
Perennial reflection: Who is missing?
Start a separate doc for this: different cross-cutting dimensions to review
networks (ngos, government, local networks?),
regions + local communities,
communities of topic + practice,
scales (transnat, local)
demography (background, ses)