In this publication, we outline a simple model for formulating data sharing agreements (DSAs). We use a common framework of 5W1H to guide conversations between organizations who want to share data with Philanthrobotics.
I. Introduction
Data sharing between organizations can be a difficult task. There are many reasons this task can be difficult: first, vague initial language can lead data sharing-organizations to wonder what exactly is being shared; second, it is often unclear what risks are being exposed upon sharing data; and finally, there are no clear terms to the processes in which the data that is being shared is being transformed, handled, or accessed.
In order to give clarity to the process, Philanthrobotics has come up with a 2-step process: first, holding an initial meeting to guide organizations to data sharing agreements, then using our data sharing agreement template to make a formal agreement.
Once two or more organizations have agreed to share data with each other, using Philanthrobotics as a mediating organization, we set up an initial meeting between these organizations (herein referred to as “data principals”). This initial meeting is to introduce our method of 5W1H. This process, better known as “Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?” is often used in journalism and research investigations. We found the framework to be simple and easy to facilitate initial discussions between data principals.
II. 5W1H Framework
Who is Sharing the Data
What is Being Shared
Why is the Data Being Shared
Specific projects and project deadlines that are explicit
When is the Data Being Shared
Times of projects
Dates for expiry of data access
Where the Data is being Shared
We propose a simple Google Folders structure
III. 5W1H in Action
Please reference this template to conduct a meeting to agree on the 5W1H framework involving your organization, another partner organization and Philanthrobotics here.
To see the most recent meeting between MIT Solve, LFC, and Philanthrobotics as an example, see here.
IV. Resulting Data Sharing Agreement
A draft of the current MOU found between the first two groups, LFC + Solve, can be found at this link.